Journal History

Publisher History:

Since its first publication in October 2010, MEV has maintained its Journal Title while experiencing adynamic change in its publishing body. Originally, the journal was published by the Research Centre for Electrical Power and Mechatronics at the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), located in Bandung, Indonesia. This initial phase represented the journal's commitment to contributing to the scientific community under the aegis of LIPI.

In October 2021, a significant transition occurred within Indonesia's research landscape. LIPI, along with other Indonesian research institutions, integrated into the National Research and Innovation Agency, known in Indonesian as Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (BRIN). As of 2022, BRIN assuming the role of MEV official publisher.


Website History:

  • Establishment and Initial Website: The MEV journal was established in 2010, with its first website hosted at
  • First Domain Change for Alignment with Objectives: In early 2021, to better align with the journal's objectives, MEV migrated its homepage from to
  • Second Domain Change Due to Publisher Shift: Following a change in publisher from LIPI to BRIN, the MEV journal updated its domain to in late 2023, marking a new chapter in a new electronics publishing presence.