DC Brushless Motor Control Design and Preliminary Testing for Independent 4-Wheel Drive Rev-11 Robotic Platform

Roni Permana Saputra, Rizqi Andry Ardiansyah, Midriem Mirdanies, Arif Santoso, Aditya Sukma Nugraha, Anwar Muqorobin, Hendri Maja Saputra, Vita Susanti, Estiko Rijanto


This paper discusses the design of control system for brushless DC motor using microcontroller ATMega 16 that will be applied to an independent 4-wheel drive Mobile Robot LIPI version 2 (REV-11). The control system consists of two parts which are brushless DC motor control module and supervisory control module that coordinates the desired command to the motor control module. To control the REV-11 platform, supervisory control transmit the reference data of speed and direction of motor to control the speed and direction of each actuator on the platform REV-11. From the test results it is concluded that the designed control system work properly to coordinate and control the speed and direction of motion of the actuator motor REV-11 platform.



Brushless DC Motor; Microcontroller; Mobile Robot; Supervisory Control; Motion Control

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