Increasing efficiency of a 33 MW OTEC in Indonesia using flat-plate solar collector for the seawater heater
This paper presents a design concept of Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) plant built in Mamuju, West Sulawesi, with 33 MWe and 7.1% of the power capacity and efficiency, respectively. The generated electrical power and the efficiency of OTEC plant are enhanced by a simulation of a number of derived formulas. Enhancement of efficiency is performed by increasing the temperature of the warm seawater toward the evaporator from 26˚C up to 33.5˚C using a flat-plate solar collector. The simulation results show that by increasing these a water temperature up to 33.5˚C, the generated power will increase up to 144.155 MWe with the OTEC efficiency up to 9.54%, respectively. The required area of flat-plate solar collector to achieve the results is around 6.023 x 106 m2.
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1. Experimental Evaluation of the Power Output and Efficiency of a Small Solar-Boosted OTEC Power Plant
Reemal D. Prasad, Muzammil Ali, Mohammed Rafiuddin Ahmed
Energies vol: 18 issue: 1 first page: 127 year: 2024
doi: 10.3390/en18010127