Stability analysis of a hybrid DC-DC buck converter model using dissipation inequality and convex optimization
The stability analysis of a DC-DC buck converter is a challenging problem due to the hybrid systems characteristic of its dynamics. Such a challenge arises from the buck converter operation which depends upon the ON/OFF logical transitions of its electronic switch component to correspondingly activate different continuous vector fields of the converter’s temporal dynamics. This paper presents a sum of squares (SOS) polynomial optimization approach for stability analysis of a hybrid model of buck converter which explicitly takes into account the converter’s electronic switching behavior. The proposed method first transforms the converter’s hybrid dynamics model into an equivalent polynomial differential algebraic equation (DAE) model. An SOS programming algorithm is then proposed to computationally prove the stability of the obtained DAE model using Lyapunov’s stability concept. Based on simulation results, it was found that the proposed method requires only 8.5 seconds for proving the stability of a buck converter model. In contrast, exhaustive simulations based on numerical integration scheme require 15.6 seconds to evaluate the stability of the same model. These results thus show the effectiveness of the proposed method as it can prove the converter stability in shorter computational times without requiring exhaustive simulations using numerical integration.
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