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Quasi-flat linear PM generator optimization using simulated annealing algorithm for WEC in Indonesia

Budi Azhari, Fransisco Danang Wijaya


Linear permanent magnet generator (LPMG) is an essential component in recent wave energy converter (WEC) which exploits wave’s heave motion. It could be classified into tubular-type, flat-tricore type, and quasi-flat type. In previous researches, these three models have been studied and designed for pico-scale WEC. Design optimization has further been conducted for flat-tricore LPMG, by using simulated annealing (SA) algorithm. It modified some parameters to minimize the resulted copper loss. This paper aims to optimize a quasi-flat LPMG design by applying SA algorithm. The algorithm would readjust the initial LPMG parts dimension. Then, the output of the optimized design would be analyzed and compared. The results showed that the optimization could reduce the copper loss by up to 73.64 % and increase the efficiency from 83.2 % to 95.57 %. For various load resistances, the optimized design also produces larger efficiency. However, the optimized design has a larger size and produces larger cogging force than the initial design.


Design optimization; copper loss; simulated annealing; quasi-flat LPMG

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