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Smart guided missile using accelerometer and gyroscope based on backpropagation neural network method for optimal control output feedback

Kamil Faqih, Sujito Sujito, Siti Sendari, Faiz Syaikhoni Aziz


As a maritime country with a large area, besides the need to defend itself with the military, it also needs to protect itself with aerospace technology that can be controlled automatically. This research aims to develop an air defense system that can control guided missiles automatically with high accuracy. The right method can provide a high level of accuracy in controlling missiles to the targeted object. With the backpropagation neural network method for optimal control output feedback, it can process information data from the radar to control missile’s movement with a high degree of accuracy. The controller uses optimal control output feedback, which is equipped with a lock system and utilizes an accelerometer that can detect the slope of the missile and a gyroscope that can detect the slope between the target direction of the missile to follow the target, control the position, and direction of the missile. The target speed of movement can be easily identified and followed by the missile through the lock system. Sampling data comes from signals generated by radars located in defense areas and from missiles. Each part’s data processing speed is calculated using a fast algorithm that is reliable and has a level of accuracy and fast processing. Data processing impacts on the accuracy of missile movements on any change in the position and motion of targets and target speed. Improved maneuvering accuracy in the first training system can detect 1000 files with a load of 273, while in the last training, the system can detect 1000 files without a load period. So the missile can be guided to hit the target without obstacles when maneuvering.


Smart missile; backpropagation; neural network; optimal control; output feedback; lock system

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