Vision-based vanishing point detection of autonomous navigation of mobile robot for outdoor applications

Leonard Rusli, Brilly Nurhalim, Rusman Rusyadi


The vision-based approach to mobile robot navigation is considered superior due to its affordability. This paper aims to design and construct an autonomous mobile robot with a vision-based system for outdoor navigation. This robot receives inputs from camera and ultrasonic sensor. The camera is used to detect vanishing points and obstacles from the road. The vanishing point is used to detect the heading of the road. Lines are extracted from the environment using a canny edge detector and Houghline Transforms from OpenCV to navigate the system. Then, removed lines are processed to locate the vanishing point and the road angle. A low pass filter is then applied to detect a vanishing point better. The robot is tested to run in several outdoor conditions such as asphalt roads and pedestrian roads to follow the detected vanishing point. By implementing a Simple Blob Detector from OpenCV and ultrasonic sensor module, the obstacle's position in front of the robot is detected. The test results show that the robot can avoid obstacles while following the heading of the road in outdoor environments. Vision-based vanishing point detection is successfully applied for outdoor applications of autonomous mobile robot navigation.


Houghline transform; road lines detection; vanishing point determination; simple blob detector.

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1. Multi-Scale Fully Convolutional Network-Based Semantic Segmentation for Mobile Robot Navigation
Thai-Viet Dang, Ngoc-Tam Bui
Electronics  vol: 12  issue: 3  first page: 533  year: 2023  
doi: 10.3390/electronics12030533