Cascade feedforward neural network and deep neural network controller on photovoltaic system with cascaded multilevel inverters: Comparison on standalone and grid integrated system
The introduction of a micro-grid-based power generation network will help to meet the demands of consumers while reducing environmental impact. Several industrialized and emerging countries allocate considerable resources to renewable energy-based power generation and invest significant sums of money in this area. This study examines the challenges involved with electricity generation through photovoltaic (PV) systems and the integration of the same with the grid to mitigate power quality issues and improve the power factor for various loading conditions. An innovative multilayer inverter for grid-connected PV systems has been developed to enhance the voltage profile and resulted in a drop in total harmonic distortion (THD). A cascade multilevel inverter (associated with a grid-integrated PV system and managed using multiple innovative artificial intelligence controllers) was developed in this research project. Various advanced intelligent controllers, such as cascade feedforward neural networks (CFFNN) and deep neural networks (DNN), have been analyzed under various operating situations and observed that the THD of voltage, current at the grid, and the load is less than 3 % as per the IEEE 519 standards along with this power factor is maintained nearly unity for the grid-connected system. The quality of power in terms of voltage, frequency, total harmonics distortion, and power factor are improved by using a novel deep neural network algorithm in a cascaded multilevel inverter and verified according to IEEE 1547 and IEEE 519 standards to determine the efficacy of the proposed system.
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