Artificial intelligence in smart grids: A bibliometric analysis and scientific mapping study
The realization of sustainable development and sustainable development goals achievement are essential. Hence, the power sector digitalization is imminent. This bibliometric and mapping study aims to explore the use of artificial intelligence in smart grids and how the topic has evolved over the years. In total, ten research questions are set to be explored. The analysis includes 1,926 articles that were identified and retrieved from Scopus and Web of Science (WoS) over the period 2005 to 2022. The analysis includes the descriptive statistics of the related studies and the annual scientific production, the identification of the most relevant and impactful authors, articles, outlets, affiliations, and countries, and the examination of the most commonly used keywords. The most popular topics and the advancement of the research focus are also explored. The study examines the results, discusses the main findings, presents open issues, and suggests new research directions. The significant role of artificial intelligence in the realization of smart grids and the digitalization of the power sector to enable sustainable development and the achievement of sustainable development goals was evident.
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1. Blockchain in Smart Grids: A Bibliometric Analysis and Scientific Mapping Study
Georgios Lampropoulos
J vol: 7 issue: 1 first page: 19 year: 2024
doi: 10.3390/j7010002