Nonlinear Dynamic Modeling of a Fixed-Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle: a Case Study of Wulung
Developing a nonlinear adaptive control system for a fixed-wing unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) requires a mathematical representation of the system dynamics analytically as a set of differential equations in the form of a strict-feedback systems. This paper presents a method for modeling a nonlinear flight dynamics of the fixed-wing UAV of BPPT Wulung in any conditions of the flight altitude and airspeed for the first step into designing a nonlinear adaptive controller. The model was formed into 10-DOF differential equations in the form of strict-feedback systems which separates the terms of elevator, aileron, rudder and throttle from the model. The model simulation results show the behavior of the flight dynamics of the Wulung UAV and also prove the compliance with the actual flight test results.
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1. Neural network and fuzzy logic-based hybrid attitude controller designs of a fixed-wing UAV
Şaban Ulus, İkbal Eski
Neural Computing and Applications vol: 33 issue: 14 first page: 8821 year: 2021
doi: 10.1007/s00521-020-05629-5