Frequency stability improvement of micro hydro power system using hybrid SMES and CES based on Cuckoo search algorithm
Micro hydro has been chosen because it has advantages both economically, technically and as well as in terms of environmental friendliness. Micro hydro is suitable to be used in areas that difficult to be reached by the grid. Problems that often occur in the micro hydro system are not the constant rotation of the generator that caused by a change in load demand of the consumer. Thus causing frequency fluctuations in the system that can lead to damage both in the plant and in terms of consumer electrical appliances. The appropriate control technology should be taken to support the optimum performance of micro hydro. Therefore, this study will discuss a strategy of load frequency control by using Energy Storage. Superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES) and capacitor energy storage (CES) are devices that can store energy in the form of a fast magnetic field in the superconducting coil. For the optimum performance, it is necessary to get the optimum tuning of SMES and CES parameters. The artificial intelligence methods, Cuckoo Search Algorithm (CSA) are used to obtain the optimum parameters in the micro hydro system. The simulation results show that the application of the CSA that use to tune the parameters of hybrid SMES-CES-PID can reduce overshoot oscillation of frequency response in micro hydro power plant.
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