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Vol 13, No 2 (2022) Cascade feedforward neural network and deep neural network controller on photovoltaic system with cascaded multilevel inverters: Comparison on standalone and grid integrated system Abstract  PDF
Mailugundla Rupesh, Vishwanath Shivalingappa Tegampure
Vol 11, No 2 (2020) Smart guided missile using accelerometer and gyroscope based on backpropagation neural network method for optimal control output feedback Abstract  PDF
Kamil Faqih, Sujito Sujito, Siti Sendari, Faiz Syaikhoni Aziz
Vol 10, No 1 (2019) Sensorless-BLDC motor speed control with ensemble Kalman filter and neural network Abstract  PDF
Muhammad Rif'an, Feri Yusivar, Benyamin Kusumoputro
Vol 15, No 2 (2024) Three-axis flexible tube sensor with LSTM-based force prediction for alignment of electric vehicle charging ports Abstract  PDF
Hendri Maja Saputra, Ahmad Pahrurrozi, Catur Hilman Adritya Haryo Bhakti Baskoro, Nur Safwati Mohd Nor, Nanang Ismail, Estiko Rijanto, Edwar Yazid, Mohd Zarhamdy Md Zain, Intan Zaurah Mat Darus
Vol 5, No 2 (2014) Learning Efficiency of Consciousness System for Robot Using Artificial Neural Network Abstract  PDF
Osama Shoubaky, Tala M. Sharari
Vol 15, No 1 (2024) Robust remaining useful life prediction of lithium-ion battery with convolutional denoising autoencoder Abstract  PDF
Asri Rizki Yuliani, Hilman Ferdinandus Pardede, Ade Ramdan, Vicky Zilvan, Raden Sandra Yuwana, M Faizal Amri, R. Budiarianto Suryo Kusumo, Subrata Pramanik
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